Enchantress pants!!

love was such an easy game to play!
for real I did nothing interesting yesterday. Chase was gone shooting the tennis tournament nearly all day. I did laundry all day (managed to do all of it!!) and sewed. Worked on my puzzle. My parents and Ash and her parents came over to watch the Tiger game which SUCKED. Not that they came over, that was nice, but the game sucked.

I finished the fix on my Enchantress gloves – they fit much better. I also reinforced the stitching because it just seemed like it wanted to come apart. I finished the pants. I ended up having to added a gusset to the back of each leg – they fit ok, but were pretty tight, so I just went ahead and expanded them a bit so they wouldn’t be so hard to pull all the way up. I made some shorts and attached each leg to it. I didn’t put elastic at the waist yet – didn’t have any the right size – I’m picking some up today. that’ll take like 2 seconds.
Today I need to put it all on and get the belt sized right, so that I can finish the skirt this afternoon while Chase is gone again.